逐夢 Day 105-117: Nicaragua看火山、學滑浪
至於首都Managua,和其他中美首都一樣治安麻麻,加上沒甚麼有趣景點,如果不是旅伴J有位多年沒見的舊朋友要見,大概會直接跳過。誰知道會遇上貴人呢? .... (read more) “逐夢 Day 105-117: Nicaragua看火山、學滑浪”
...Dream Trip Day 98-104: No whaleshark in Utila, and Panick at Border
The Bay Islands of Honduras is a must go for me for the opportunity to see and / or swim with whale shark! It's also a relatively cheap place for learning diving. However, I feel robbed when I realized the 1hour boat costs me US$25! Almost wanted to give up. LP said that it's better to take motion sickness pills for this ride. I was a bit doubtful but anyway swallowed one. While I was making my sandwich on board, the ferry left the pier and the staff started to distribute plastic bags to each passengers. I was amused with the seriousness but not for long. .... (read more) “逐夢 Day 98-104: Utila沒有鯨鯊 與 邊境檢疫驚魂”
...Dream Trip Day 94-97: New travel mate in Honduras
Finally left Guatemala yet faced another difficulty in Honduras: stuck in the border town with no more bus to Copan for the day. Tired of the border run and with no Honduras Limperia on hand. With the help of a strange man who seems to be an agent or what, we got the money and found a prison-like hotel room to stay for the night and then fled early the next morning. .... (read more) “逐夢Day 94-97:洪都拉斯偶遇新旅伴”
...逐夢 Day 92,93: 次等公民闖關記
星期四晚上,我們似乎只剩下一個選擇:明天每人多花七十美金去辦El Salvador和Honduras簽證,但辦齊後到Nicaragua時又不知會再有甚麼阻濟。加上辦簽證必須留下護照,不能兩邊同時辦理,所以最少也要等到下星期五才能再起行。更糟糕的是,CS .... (read more) “逐夢 Day 92,93: 次等公民闖關記”
...逐夢 Day 83-91: 次等公民的悲歌
離開San Pedro,搭上清晨五點的Chicken Bus,然後轉Chicken Bus再轉Chicken Bus,終於在中午到達Guatemala和El Salvador的邊境。兩國的入境大樓相距一公里,在烈日下背著十幾公斤的背包,走過幾十輛等清關的超長貨櫃車,看見有司機索性在車底綁個吊床睡午覺! .... (read more) “逐夢 Day 83-91: 次等公民的悲歌”
...逐夢 Day 63-82: 慢活Guatemala – 在高山湖邊當義工
意外早到Antigua,在找到Host之前,就住在一家有火山景的Hostel,吃早餐時逗逗懶洋洋的胖花貓。後來搬到建築師J的家,看著他每天在家工作,感受不一樣的生活品味。在一家雜貨店的裡面吃到了美味的本土Chicken .... (read more) “逐夢 Day 63-82: 慢活Guatemala – 在高山湖邊當義工”
...Values on the road
People around me always complain about spending too much every time they travel. Well, may be yes for me during vacation, but I didn't have this problem during my year-long trip.
Back at home, I'm not living a luxurious life. I bought my clothes from cheap outlets, but from time to time I would splurge a little bit on dining out, buying nice cup of coffee, and taking a cab home after a long day work. .... (read more) “我的旅途價值觀”
...逐夢 Day 74: 回收場?堆填區!
這天我們要到San Juan的回收場撿塑膠瓶子建溫室,Rising Minds唯一受薪員工本地男生L已經拿到市政府的批准公文,聽說那邊已經為我們準備好一大堆膠瓶子,由於建溫室的瓶子必須形狀大小一致,所以要去挑選分類,再搬上小貨車運回San .... (read more) “逐夢 Day 74: 回收場?堆填區!”