Dream Trip Day 118-131: Wildlife in Costa Rica
Leaving the so-called CA4 area means end of passport problems. Hurray! The only problem is you have to show proof of leaving the country by any means. My travelmate have just bought her ticket back home in USA. So the rest is easy, you know how. If you don't, there's a bunch of bus companies selling tickets back to Nicaragua. Borrow one from the travellers heading north. Or buy one, show and get your chop, then sell it to travellers heading north. Or buy the cheapest one (around US$10) and throw it away. .... (read more) “逐夢 Day 118-131: Costa Rica野生動物園”
...逐夢 Day 105-117: Nicaragua看火山、學滑浪
至於首都Managua,和其他中美首都一樣治安麻麻,加上沒甚麼有趣景點,如果不是旅伴J有位多年沒見的舊朋友要見,大概會直接跳過。誰知道會遇上貴人呢? .... (read more) “逐夢 Day 105-117: Nicaragua看火山、學滑浪”
...Dream Trip Day 98-104: No whaleshark in Utila, and Panick at Border
The Bay Islands of Honduras is a must go for me for the opportunity to see and / or swim with whale shark! It's also a relatively cheap place for learning diving. However, I feel robbed when I realized the 1hour boat costs me US$25! Almost wanted to give up. LP said that it's better to take motion sickness pills for this ride. I was a bit doubtful but anyway swallowed one. While I was making my sandwich on board, the ferry left the pier and the staff started to distribute plastic bags to each passengers. I was amused with the seriousness but not for long. .... (read more) “逐夢 Day 98-104: Utila沒有鯨鯊 與 邊境檢疫驚魂”
...Dream Trip Day 94-97: New travel mate in Honduras
Finally left Guatemala yet faced another difficulty in Honduras: stuck in the border town with no more bus to Copan for the day. Tired of the border run and with no Honduras Limperia on hand. With the help of a strange man who seems to be an agent or what, we got the money and found a prison-like hotel room to stay for the night and then fled early the next morning. .... (read more) “逐夢Day 94-97:洪都拉斯偶遇新旅伴”
...逐夢 Day 92,93: 次等公民闖關記
星期四晚上,我們似乎只剩下一個選擇:明天每人多花七十美金去辦El Salvador和Honduras簽證,但辦齊後到Nicaragua時又不知會再有甚麼阻濟。加上辦簽證必須留下護照,不能兩邊同時辦理,所以最少也要等到下星期五才能再起行。更糟糕的是,CS .... (read more) “逐夢 Day 92,93: 次等公民闖關記”
...逐夢 Day 83-91: 次等公民的悲歌
離開San Pedro,搭上清晨五點的Chicken Bus,然後轉Chicken Bus再轉Chicken Bus,終於在中午到達Guatemala和El Salvador的邊境。兩國的入境大樓相距一公里,在烈日下背著十幾公斤的背包,走過幾十輛等清關的超長貨櫃車,看見有司機索性在車底綁個吊床睡午覺! .... (read more) “逐夢 Day 83-91: 次等公民的悲歌”
...逐夢 Day 63-82: 慢活Guatemala – 在高山湖邊當義工
意外早到Antigua,在找到Host之前,就住在一家有火山景的Hostel,吃早餐時逗逗懶洋洋的胖花貓。後來搬到建築師J的家,看著他每天在家工作,感受不一樣的生活品味。在一家雜貨店的裡面吃到了美味的本土Chicken .... (read more) “逐夢 Day 63-82: 慢活Guatemala – 在高山湖邊當義工”
...Values on the road
People around me always complain about spending too much every time they travel. Well, may be yes for me during vacation, but I didn't have this problem during my year-long trip.
Back at home, I'm not living a luxurious life. I bought my clothes from cheap outlets, but from time to time I would splurge a little bit on dining out, buying nice cup of coffee, and taking a cab home after a long day work. .... (read more) “我的旅途價值觀”